What does the infrastructure mean?
Infrastructure is all network resources that make network connectivity, the Internet, management, and business process possible.

Network from vROOT
With an integrated team and wide experience, we analyze in detail the needs and expectations of the development of the company, identify weaknesses and calculate risks to determine the necessary tools (networking hardware - network software - information resources) and operate it to meet the requirements and needs of the system, vROOT provides you with all comprehensive network devices suitable for all your needs and network programs with appropriate protection systems and network services to ensure the efficiency of network work.
Systems setup
We offer you infrastructure systems such as:-
- DNS servers, DWS servers and Directory services servers.
- Email servers and database servers in addition to (Firewalls, DMZ, Switches/ Routers).
- Web servers and secure applications (antivirus, antispyware, IDS/IPSs).
- Choosing hardware, suppliers, and services for your organization.
- Understand how the most common infrastructure services work, that keep an organization running and how to manage infrastructure servers.
- Make the most of cloud system in the organization by using (OPENLDAP, ACTIVE DIRECTORY and THE DIRECTORY SERVICES).
- Back up your organization's data.
- How to restore IT infrastructure in case of a disaster.

Setting up networks
We protect network infrastructure by installing preventive measures to deny unauthorized access, modification, deletion, resource and data theft. These security measures can include access control. Lock app, firewall, VPN, Various analytics, intrusion prevention systems, Safe Wireless.
Use a Firewall to protect your network from unauthorized access and unwanted passage.
Our systems are divided into separate networks to protect sensitive data, the systems supporting testing and development activities are hosted in a network separate from the systems supporting the infrastructure. We monitor firewall access on a strict and regular schedule, the network engineer reviews all changes made to the firewall every day.
In addition, these changes are reviewed quarterly to update and revise the rules.
Our dedicated Network Operations Center team monitors the infrastructure and applications for any inconsistencies or suspicious activities.
All critical information is constantly monitored using our proprietary tool, and notifications are triggered in case of any abnormal or suspicious activities in our production environment.
For more inquiries do not hesitate to contact us